Online training week four of the Lock down
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Tuesday 14 April 2020
By Taekwon-do-Wales
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Four weeks on and still in lock down but we got to more than ever keep motivated and focus. Each day we plan our online training trying to come up we new ideas to our students motivated and at the same same time working with our students is keeping us motivated. Since we separated the the patterns from the training we have notice a massive improvement with our students, let's keep that improvement going. As for our junior class assistants its great to see the effort that most of them are doing for the online training. As we all know its important for our colour belts to see the support from our junior class assistants. By the class assistants taking part with the online training it shows the the passion and dedication of them being part a a great team and learning this great martial art. I think in the future when students want to become class assistants looking back at the lockdown and their support in the lockdown will be a good deciding factor in the long run. Well done keep up the good work Black Belts its great seeing you in the online training thank you for your support.

The ITF HQ European Championships in the Netherlands next April although its a year away if students want to aim for this great tournament, preparation starts at lease a year in advance use the lockdown to your advantage building your knowledge and fitness so when we are back together again we can really start putting that team together. Its open to all Gold members of Taekwon-do-Wales (students that are on unlimited lessons within their own schools) Why! because it will take a lot of training to be able to compete with our friends in Europe. Our Coaches will be putting some action packed plans to develop the students that want to compete next year.

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