International Instructors Course Galway Ireland
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Monday 23 May 2022
By Taekwon-do-Wales
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International Instructors Course Galway Ireland

First, I must say a big thank you to Master Fitzgibbon, Master Manavaki and Grand Master Sanders. For such a great IIC. My reason for so much excitement for this course is the amount of content we came away with, and the way the content was delivered. The interest was high from the beginning to the end.


What made this course so good for many years I have attended IICs from the three ITF groups and it was always the same thing, same content when I also did technical seminars again the same thing time after time. It got to the point where we were not able to separate between an International Instructors Course and a Technical Seminar. For the IIC I always thought it was meant to help and improved our teaching skills, but it was patterns after more patterns etc. Chong-Ji would take all of Friday evening then again Saturday morning as some people was not there on the Friday evening. Eventually get to Choong-Moo by Saturday evening and rushing the Black Belt patterns Sunday morning. For many years this is what we done.


Then IIC with ITF HQ Korea the first one 2019 with Master Thompson wow I thought that was great. Then the IIC with Master Fitzgibbon, at last IIC where we can improve our Teaching skills. Teaching skills where we may have got a bit rusty with has now been cleaned up. Also, many ideas and techniques that we can take back with us. When I first saw the timetable for the course I question in my mind, why where we are doing a first aid course in an IIC but what a brilliant idea. More knowledge on heart attacks and cardiac arrest on the Friday night (much better than going through Chon-Ji) and what a great ice breaker at the beginning of the course. Again, the delivery and content from Master Fitzgibbon was second to none and Master Manavaki input to the course was great the boxing skills and yoga stretching also fitting in the course nicely. And I always enjoy the self-defence with Grand Master Sanders. 


To sum up, a brilliant weekend, the course was great, the people around us was great, the venue food and drink also great. I cannot wait for the next one.  


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